Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Top 5 Tips to Relax And Reduce Stress | Five Tips to Relax And Reduce Stress

Top 5 Tips to Relax And Reduce Stress | Five Tips to Relax And Reduce Stress
Top 5 Tips to Relax And Reduce Stress | Five Tips to Relax And Reduce Stress


I am going to share with you 5 tips to help you relax and reduce stress. I know this year was incredibly stressful for most of us but really one of the best things we can do to stay physically healthy is to stay relaxed and calm and reduce our stress as much as possible. I personally tend to stress out very easily and these steps that I am about to share with you have really made a huge difference for me. So, I hope that they can help you too. 

The first tip, I have for you is the most simple and most accessible and it's absolutely free. It is to breathe and to breathe deeply when we're most stressed out we start to breathe really shallow. If you think of someone having a panic attack the way that they breathe is right and that is sending stress signals to our brain that we are in danger. We need to get as much oxygen as possible we need to pump our adrenaline and to escape the lion that is chasing us that's really how our biology is built but if we take the time to breathe just like that deep and long then we're sending the message to our brain that everything's okay. 

We have the time to take a long deep breath there are no lines chasing us and everything is okay so just a simple switch like that just taking a moment to breathe will really send those signals to your brain and relax your whole body also. If you count as you breathe then you are basically pausing your thoughts because you're thinking about counting so you can't really be thinking about anything else and one good breath that you could try is the four, seven, eight breath where you inhale for four hold it for seven and then exhale for eight. I don't know about you but honestly, I feel so much more relaxed, and if you want to just do that three or four times anytime that you're feeling stressed it will literally take you one or two minutes but it will completely change your state. 

The second tip, I have for you is to go for a walk and moving your body feels so good especially. Since so many of us have been spending a lot more time indoors. Lately, I love to go for walks every day and I will either listen to an audiobook or a podcast, or if I really want to shut off and really relax I won't bring my phone at all and I'll just be present and enjoy what I'm doing and I'll really notice all the little things like just walking around my neighborhood. 

When I have walked the same streets so many times if I don't bring my phone with me I am so present and I find beautiful flowers everywhere and just little details that I would have missed. Otherwise, a bonus here as well would be to walk with a pet and I get to borrow our roommate's dog and take him on a walk sometimes and it's so nice. I mean just being around animals brings so much joy anyway and it just gets me out of my head. 

The third tip, I have for you is something that actually Louie introduced me to I don't know if he made it up or if he read it somewhere or heard it somewhere but basically, it's this exercise that we do sometimes alone, sometimes together where we will close our eyes and just imagine that everything that's stressing us out that we're worrying about is solved so we take turns to do this and we make sure it's important not to just say it but to really feel it in your body. What would it feel like if what you were saying is actually true so, for example, some of the things that I said last time where my inbox is at zero I have no emails anyone is waiting for a response from me, and honestly, as I'm saying it I can just feel like my shoulders go down and I just relax knowing that that isn't like nagging me in my brain anymore or I'll say something like my mom gets out of surgery and everything went well and she's up on her feet a couple of days later I said this to the last time we did this exercise and she went through the surgery and she's doing great now. But it was something that was worrying me before and just at that moment having that exercise going back and forth and just it feels like you're releasing all these things that you're carrying on your shoulders and also when you feel something like when you say that something is completed or done or it's gone well and you feel it in your body you're actually much more likely to make it happen so there you go a little extra manifestation tip in there as well. 

The Fourth tip is a game-changer. It is to take a magnesium supplement and honestly one of the reasons why you might be feeling stressed out that you haven't even really thought about is that you don't have enough magnesium in your body. Some of the benefits of natural vitality calm are that it reduces stress releases tension and relaxes your muscles and really you can feel that happening. You've probably heard about the importance of calcium and many of you probably even take calcium supplements but how many of you are taking magnesium supplements. 

Something that I didn't know either and a lot of you probably don't know is magnesium and calcium are like two sides of a coin and calcium will help you get excited to get your nerves excited while magnesium helps calm them down so if you have too much calcium in your body then your nerves are getting over-excited and you don't have enough magnesium to help calm them down. 

How I take it is by first activating the powder in about two to three ounces of hot water and once the fizzing is stopped I add it to a juice smoothie or tea, you can add it directly to cold drinks too but it will take a little bit longer to activate so I'd wait at least 15 minutes before drinking it. I got a bottle of natural vitality calm in my bustle wellness box so I thought I'd share it with you. 

The fifth tip, I have to help you feel calm and reduce stress is to unplug, put your phone on airplane mode, leave it in the other room, close down your laptop, and just try not looking at screens not only will it help your eyes relax but your whole body will relax. We are expected to be reachable 24 7 now and if you don't reply to a message within like an hour or even less like 10-15 minutes, people start worrying about where you are why you're not replying to them which is crazy. 

Because, if you remember back in the day we used to put away messages because we would say you know going outside, so I'm not on my computer, so I'm away now but because we have our phones with us at all times, we are always on and connected really nothing is that urgent and everything can wait 10 minutes or an hour or two hours so try it. Let's try to unplug and look at screens a little bit less. 

A little a bonus tip here as well is to turn off notifications on your phone at least for the only notifications I have on are for messages but I turned off all the notifications from my social media those are definitely like the least urgent thing and only turn ones on if there's something that you really don't want to miss.

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