Monday, December 28, 2020

Third and Fourth Habit That Changed my Daily Life | 5 Habits to Change Your Daily Life

Third and Fourth Habit That Changed my Daily Life | 5 Habits to Change Your Daily Life
Third and Fourth Habit That Changed my Daily Life | 5 Habits to Change Your Daily Life

My Third habit has been super helpful for me since I've obviously been spending a lot more time at home like all of us have and that is to separate the different parts of my home for very specific different reasons. So, what I mean by that is for example my bedroom is my sanctuary, where I come to relax to read to spend time with my friend. This is very specific energy in this room. 

So, I don't bring my laptop in the room, I don't work in the room, it is a very separate space. I'm lucky that I have an office right outside my door as well but even if you don't even. If you just have one bedroom at least separating the space like one corner, one desk that is where you do all your work. Then don't bring your laptop into your bed just have all of that there and then have your bed as your sanctuary is your relaxed place. Whatever it means for you everyone's gonna separate it differently but that's not for me.

Is it just really helps me separate the different times of the day and the different days of the week even if there's a weekend I'm not gonna go and sit on my desk first thing because it's a weekend so I'm trying to relax so I've actually brought a desk into my room specifically only to paint or draw or to just relax and do something creative. So in my room is creative chill relaxed mode outside is the business model and downstairs in the living room kitchen. I spend time with my roommates and Louie my friend and my friends and we eat dinners together and it's just so helpful for me to separate the spaces and to have a very different intention with why I'm going into each space. I don't know it's just really helped me and it might help some of you all as well. 

My Fourth Habit is something that I would call a bit of a silver lining during all this difficult time and what I mean by that is one of the things that has happened inevitably. During the last few months, most of our routines have been disrupted so the way that we work, the way that we live, the way that we exercise, the way that we eat pretty much everything has had to change and one thing that for me has changed. 

For the better is the way that I shop so before this some of us may have been making purchases out of habit or routine for example going to get a coffee every day at our local coffee shop or going out to restaurants all the time or even just going into clothing stores and just browsing and sometimes buying, something just because you're there not necessarily because you need it, but now because we don't really have all that time to just be in random places just spending money out of habit. 

What's happened for me is, I've been so much more mindful about how I spend my money where I spend it and what I'm purchasing because before I buy something. Now, first of all, I think, do I actually need this, do I really want it and I think about where I'm getting it from I'm trying my best to support as many small businesses as I can so before this I may have just gone straight to Amazon and searched for something and actually last week I did. 

I went on and I started typing something out and then I stopped I was looking for a new blender for the house because our last one broke and I was typing out exactly what I was looking for and I stopped. I was like wait a minute, what if I go to their website so I went to their specific website and they're having a Mother's Day sale so I got like 20% off so I paid less than I would have anyway and I all the money that I paid went straight to the company instead of to this big massive company that takes a lot of money from a lot of different businesses so it just made me feel so much better than I was supporting this company directly and it saved me money and this is just a little example of being a little bit more mindful just literally taking like three seconds to think before buying something or ordering something.

Because a lot of us are trying to save money right now, we're trying to support small businesses and I think people are just buying less and they were because we're taking the time to be a little bit more mindful and not buy things just out of habit and instead only buy things that we actually need.

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