Thursday, December 24, 2020

How to Stay Calm And Relax | Tips to Stay Calm And Reduce Stress

How to Stay Calm And Relax | Tips to Stay Calm And Reduce Stress
How to Stay Calm And Relax | Tips to Stay Calm And Reduce Stress

The details of my tips started to spend some time in nature and there are so many studies out there on what being in nature does to our nervous system. How it helps us relax some of you may be even live in nature and maybe know what I'm talking about just going outside and looking out and listening to the birds and breathing in the fresh air going on a hike it all makes such a difference. I personally live in a city so I have to consciously choose to spend time in nature and go out of my way.

Go drive somewhere to a hike or something but I really try to do that as much as I can because if I've been in the city too long I can really notice how much more stressed out I get. So, if you also live in a city or somewhere that doesn't have direct access to nature then please make an effort to go into nature as often as you can also if you do live in a city and you can't get into nature as much as you would like something that I've done. We have filled our room with plants and basically our whole house with plants but especially our room if I close the door in our room and I close the window, so I can't hear the cars anymore then I just look at the plants sometimes I'll even put on as nature sounds so I can actually feel like I'm outside in nature and I can just look at all the plants and they bring me so much joy tip number

The next tip is to clean your space and to make it feel welcoming and organized because having a messy home will automatically stress you out again. There are so many studies here on what a difference it makes just to have an organized uncluttered clean space. You don't have to do a massive deep clean if you're trying to relax I mean some people find it really relaxing other people don't but even if you can just put some things away. Like if you have a lot of things out on your desk or on your dresser or something just putting things in a drawer putting things back in their place and having just what your eye can see look organized and clean honestly again will make such a big difference.

Now the next tip is to do some stretching or yin yoga. If you don't know what yin yoga is then let me tell you it's basically like a much slower type of yoga where you're doing one pose and holding it for a few minutes sometimes several minutes and what that does is it allows you to have a super deep stretch. I love doing yin yoga I mean any time of day really but especially before bed you're basically doing really long opening stretches and it feels so good but if there's a moment that you're feeling stressed just taking the time to stand up stretch and just move your body a little bit whatever that looks like to you. 

The next tip is to eat slowly and mindfully and this is something that I have to remind myself of all the time because I tend to eat in front of my computer. Whether I'm still working or even if I'm watching something I like to be able to watch something while I'm eating to help me relax but I know that it's not helping me really relax because I'm trying to do too many things at once and it's also not helping me enjoy my meal.

I notice that I tend to overeat and I tend to not really taste the food as well. I know that I could, if I'm doing something at the same time so just taking a moment to enjoy a meal eat it really slowly like taste all the flavors within the meal, and again it will help your body just slow down and feel calmer.

Last but certainly not least. I'd recommend that you write whatever that looks like to you whether you want to call it journaling or if that word kind of stresses you out just write whatever is on your mind whatever you want to write just getting things out of your head and onto paper can help you feel so much more relaxed. Recently I've gotten into journaling as well. If I like crossed stuff out and it didn't look good and now I've just released all expectations and I just write whatever I want whether it's a poem or like a diary entry or whatever it is I'm feeling that day it just feels so good to be able to write it out. 

These are my tips to help you to stay calm and feel relaxed which will surely reduce your stress and most of them you could do every single day but you could also keep them in mind at the moment when you're feeling stressed or overwhelmed remember to breathe or to stretch or to go for a walk or any of these things really if you have any more tips or things that you do to help you relax please let me know.

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