Sunday, December 27, 2020

Second Habit That Changed my Daily Life | 5 Habits to Change Your Daily Life


Second Habit That Changed my Daily Life | 5 Habits to Change Your Daily Life
Second Habit That Changed my Daily Life | 5 Habits to Change Your Daily Life

Today is my Second Habit which is bulking my work together or batching. What that means is doing similar work together at the same time and you do this already in your everyday life. For example, I am sure that you do all of your laundries at once instead of washing each one of your pieces after each time you wear it. Because it just makes more sense to do all your laundry in one go versus 5 or 10 minutes every single day and if you think about it we do this in so many different parts of our life but when it comes to working I definitely found it more difficult to naturally do that.

So, what I would do before I started batching my work is I would be for example editing my articles and then I would get an email notification pop up and then I'd go into my email and answer that email, and then I would think about having to upload my articles, posts on social media platforms. Inevitably, I get a little bit distracted and I browse for a little bit and then I'm like no I have to go back to editing my article and so within an hour I've kind of done two or three things instead of doing one thing really well.

So, what I try to do now is pick either specific days of the week or time of day that I do this one thing and I don't do it any other time and it just helps me say super focused because I also know this is my only time to do this work, so let me make sure I get it done instead of just thinking. I'll just get to it later a couple of examples I have. 

Friday's are my admin days normally admin stuff really stresses me out because if I'm in the middle of a creative project and I think about having to make a phone call or something I don't want to do it at the moment because I know that it'll break my flow but then it stresses me out because the back of my head that I have to make sure I don't forget to do it. So, what I've started doing instead is whenever I think of anything like that I put it on a list, and every Friday first thing in the morning I look at that list.

So throughout the week, if I think of random little things I don't have to keep thinking about them I put on the list I know that it's gonna get done and every Friday all those things get done and I have a specific time that is allocated for doing my admin another thing that has really helped me. I have been scheduling my posts and honestly, this has been such a game-changer for me. it is amazing if you have a business account you can auto-publish your posts or if you want you can also get it to push notifications for you.

So, again you can still get the posts completely ready do all the captions and everything and then you get a little notification for later to remind you to post and by the way, if you're not sure what time of day or what days of the week to post later also has an amazing analytic section and it will look at your Instagram and it will look at what time of day each day of the week your users are most active and this is a simple thing that if you didn't know this.

If you were just posting it the wrong time what if most of your followers were asleep or just not active and you didn't realize but you could be reaching like double or triple the people if you just knew what time was best to post later is also really helpful for small businesses and entrepreneurs and my mom's business is the perfect example for this she owns a jewelry company and I know that she's really been stressed out about social media in the past about not sure what time of day to post or just at the moment having to remember to post when she's in the middle of like making jewelry which is what her job really should be.

So, now using later she can plan all of her posts literally spend one day and plan months’ worth of posts right all the captions do all the hashtags and then not even have to think about it I know that this has helped her so much. Just relax and relieve some of the stress around your business.

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