Saturday, December 26, 2020

First Habit That Changed my Daily Life | 5 Habits to Change Your Daily Life

First Habit That Changed my Daily Life | 5 Habits to Change Your Daily Life
First Habit That Changed my Daily Life | 5 Habits to Change Your Daily Life


Today, I want to share with you few habits that I've recently brought into my life that have honestly changed my life, that I haven't read anyone else talking about them and I can't express to you how much they've changed the game for me, in terms of, how productive.

I am now happy, I am how much more at peace, I feel and just less stressed out so I really wanted to share them with you because even if you could find one of these things that you resonate with that. You could implement it in your life and you could make it even just a little bit better than it would be worth it. 

The first habit that I am super excited to share with you is something that is such a tiny shift that takes about five minutes every night and has honestly changed my mindset more than anything else. And that is writing out five things that I'm proud of myself for every night I tend to be hard on myself that I have very high standards and I'm definitely or have been very achievement-driven and have had quite a linear definition of success. So, quite often, I would go to bed and think about all the things that I didn't get to my to-do list or the things that I did in the chief or didn't do enough of and I'll go to bed angry at myself for not doing enough that day. 

So, I started recently just writing out five things that I'm proud of myself for every night and the first two or three tend to be pretty achievement-based still like for example writing blogging articles or clear up my email inbox or something and are great. But what I find is after those first two or three the last couple tend to be a little bit more difficult to come up with and my first thought usually is well that's it. I haven't done anything else today like I have nothing else to write but I make myself write five so then I have to dig and think about other things that I'd be proud of myself for and that's when I find the beautiful little things. 

That, I so often, just look past like for example the other night I wrote that I was a really good friend to Louie and I did some things to help support him like cooking for him or helping him with or something like that another one could be looking out for a friend maybe calling a friend because you know what they're going through a rough time and sitting on the phone with them for a few hours and being there for them and just listening for them. 

These are beautiful things that I am really proud of myself for that I do and that I can be the best version of myself and be a good friend and daughter and all the things and I think it's so great to go to bed every night focusing on these kinds of things instead of thinking about all the things that I haven't done and honestly such a simple thing after just the first three or four days I can't tell you how different I felt and throughout the day as well as again this is what happens the gratitude journal that you end up thinking about the things you're grateful for throughout the day and this has happened to me where now I'll do something even something small and at the moment think. 

This is a good one, I'm gonna write this to my journal tonight and so throughout the day, I have these little moments of achievement and of being proud of myself especially around things that I wouldn't have normally counted as achievements beforehand. So, this has just really changed my life and if any of you struggle with some of these thoughts then this might really help you.

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